
Posts Tagged ‘Joy’

The results of our beliefs effect our lives far more than we are aware. The results of our choice between Love and fear have major ramifications on our lives. Oddly enough, every choice we make (or judgment) on external issues is a direct reflection of how we believe ourselves to be. Every choice we make lets the whole world know exactly how we feel about ourselves. Not only can you see what others feel or think about themselves, but they can see your thoughts and feelings as well. Pretty interesting huh?

Holding a personal belief in your intrinsic self-worth is the best investment you can make. Remembering exactly who you are and where you come from is the only thing that stands between you and Source…your True Nature…God…what ever you want to ‘name’ That. The only place to experience just that…that connection…is in your heart…in the quiet of your heart, in the stillness of your Soul. That, my friends, is the only place where you will find, feel and experience the Love that you have always been and always will be. (You know, the love that you are craving from something or someone outside of yourself!)

What is important is that you are aware that you carry God/Source/Spirit within you always. Know that you are connected. Acknowledge that you are One. Feel Source in your heart, in your Soul. This is what is important. Everyone has his or her own beliefs. Each is there to serve a purpose, a piece of the journey. Know enough to change your beliefs when the time comes. Search always for more. Experience always more. Love always more. Love is never ending. If it ends it was not Love, but a need within your ego. True, unconditional Love is never ending. You are never ending. See the connection?

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I have been called to action…again. It seems that perhaps I have been working too diligently in my own journey and have forgotten one of my agreements. A very long time ago, what seems perhaps an entirely different lifetime, I dedicated my days to working solely (or perhaps that should read Soul-ly) with Archangel Michael. He graciously helped me to open my heart and remember and experience my True Nature…Love. From those conversations and experiences I wrote a book. It was always his request, his knowing, that I share that information. I agreed. The book was written and self published. Those who needed to find it did. Yesterday I found that book again. It has been many years since I picked it up, and I was surprised, thrilled and deeply touch to find that the messages are still profound and absolutely relevant in my own life. It was then that Archangel Micheal reminded me that I agreed to share this. This time, I share it through the internet, perhaps just one message at a time, but I will share it none-the-less because…it is time and I said “Yes”.

When I opened the book yesterday I happened upon Chapter 4…so, that is where we start today. Again, these are writings of my conversation with Archangel Michael. My comments are in regular text, Archangel Michael’s are in italics. Where ever you find the word God, Universe, Spirit, One, Goddess… please insert which ever name you have given to your Source.

Why do we limit ourselves?

Good question. Because that is what you are taught from others, those who don’t know any better or any different because that is what they were taught. Those who wished, from the beginning of your time, to control others. They wanted to control out of fear. They did not understand, and to this day their legacy lives on. Their fears live on. They have passed them down through the generations. You can stop that. You can change that not only for yourself, but also for others. Do not perpetuate the fear any longer. Do not perpetuate the lies. Know your True Self. Know that you are sacred, that you are beautiful and perfect in all that you do. Know that all of your needs are being met, constantly, through Love, through the Love of Source. It is you who turns them away. It is you who does not believe. It is you who can change that, and only you. If you believe in your heart that fear exists, so shall it be. You will then create those things that you fear. If you believe in your heart that there is Love, then so it shall be. You will create those things you so Love. Love of the Soul is different than love of the mind. Unconditional Love or Love of the Soul is where You are from. Open your heart and see the Love within yourself. Feel it deeply. Share it with others. Do not fear the unknown. Live for today. Breathe right now. Source will provide. It always has, and It always will.

Nothing is unbelievable. Believe in everything, especially yourself. Believe that Spirit is with you, in you, Loves you all the time. There is never a time when Spirit does not Love you. When I say you, I mean all of you, everyone, one and all alike. Believe that you are so much more. Believe that within you, you hold the key to all the wisdom, all the knowledge, and all the answers. You hold the key to life, to Love, to creation and everything that goes with it. Trust your heart. Love yourself as Spirit Loves you…perfectly. You are perfect in all that you do…ALL that you do. There is never a time when you are not perfect. There is never a time when you are not Loved. There is never a time when you are not connected to Spirit, to the One. Feel it. Every day. Every moment. With every breath. Share this. Your passion lies within this. Believe it.

We are born of Love, we are created of Love…and that never changes within us. We may forget sometimes, or perhaps most times, but what we are created of never changes…not even a little. We have been taught that our outer world is more important, it is where meaning and happiness lies. This is not the truth. I think that most of us, by now, have come to realize that our outer world is NOT where meaning exists…it is NOT where happiness is. Now is the time we may be asking ourselves…if not out there, then where? There is only one place where some of you may not have looked yet…within.

Phooey! I hear you say. Phooey indeed! You are no longer satisfied and happy with your outer achievements…so go within, what do you have to lose.

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Crossroads are a call to exploration. We don’t often make a course change at the time when we come to a crossroad though. Why don’t we shift paths at that crossroads? Because of fear. We are afraid of where it may (or may not) take us. Our mind tells us “What if it doesn’t lead us to where we want to go?” Funny thing is, we have no guarantee that the road we are currently on will lead us to where we want to be…or think we ought to be going. We plan and push to get to a certain place, and low and behold, when we get there it’s never quite what we had in mind or expected.

We stay on the old road because of fear. Fear of something new. The old road is familiar. No matter how much we crave and beg for something new, something better, when it arrives in front of us we cling to the old familiar way kicking and screaming that change sucks. With a deathly tight grip we hold onto the familiar and reject the very thing we have asked for.

We say that familiar is comfortable, it is safe, it is predictable. I say to you that is it not.

It is not comfortable as we struggle with pain and fear every day.

It is not safe, as we continue to fear that all will be lost or we won’t have enough, every day.

It is not predictable, as we grow more and more tired trying to force it to remain the same so we do not have to deal with change, every day.

We are taught, or tricked into believing that staying on this road will lead us ‘home.’ We have no guarantee. Promises were made to us that we chose to buy into and so we blindly walk our path.

Choose to lay down your old learned lies (the fears we were handed as children) and choose a new road at the crossroad. Choose to walk it with an open heart, trust in Yourself and through Love, every day.

Enjoy the ride, walk or float on your journey for your ticket Home is guaranteed.

Love, Always!

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Yesterday I found myself observing an interaction between two people. I was in no way involved in their interaction at all. I did, however, find myself forming judgments about one of the people. After the interaction, which literally only took about 10 minutes, I realized what I had done. I did not express what I was thinking, but I was well aware that I was indeed thinking it. I don’t need to say what the judgment was; just suffice it to say that it was not a loving one. I was so mad at myself for have even gone to that place in my head! I seriously know differently.

I’ve been rolling my behavior over and over in my head. What the heck was I thinking!? I was mad at myself for going there, and I was also very sorry for having assumed the judgment. With a willingness to see the event (my event, not theirs) for what it was meant to be for me, I sat with Spirit/Self. Immediately the door swung open and the Truth stepped in.

I was clearly reminded that what we see in others is exactly what we see in ourselves. What we judge in others is exactly how we judge ourselves. (And I do mean EVERY single judgment, nice or not so nice) I’m not talking about their behavior; I’m talking about how we judge them personally. How with just one look at someone we can come to a judgment in our mind about what we think they are or are not. Granted, we do judge others’ behavior, but we also judge their personality. Clearly the interaction between these two people had nothing to do with either persons behavior as they were simply standing there having a conversation.

With the remembrance I received from Spirit I went back to the judgment I had made. I looked into the mirror and saw the clear reflection of how, in a place within myself, I was holding that judgment against myself.

That awareness in itself was huge for me. Jeesh, do I really still hold that idea of myself?? I am so very grateful for the experiences where I am shown the places where I do not Love myself. They always help me to release old and limited beliefs about myself.

The conversation with Self didn’t end there, however. I was again reminded that what we see in another is what we see in ourselves. That means when I do not see Divinity shining through another person, I have strayed from it within myself. When I see Divinity in others, I am truly seeing it and Being it within myself.

Any given situation, relationship, observation, that we are viewing and judging as…let’s just say crappy…we are actually seeing our own ‘less-than’ assumptions we hold about ourselves. We are given the opportunity to see these mirrors every day, every moment. Using them to see ourselves is huge!

Instead, most of us remain in the defense position within our head. How many of us have stepped into a situation thinking it should be one way, and it turned out to be something completely different? And, how many of us have completely blamed the situation (or other person) for being screwed up, and not our own participation in the creation of that crappiness? It is oh so easy to blame someone else, especially when we assume we are right (or doing the ‘right’ thing). Not that we are wrong, but that we had just as much participation in the situational crappiness than anything or anyone else.

When we can take responsibility for our own thoughts, our own beliefs, our own crap, the situation suddenly takes on a whole new light, a whole new level of understanding. But the best part is that we get to make a completely different choice about who and how we REALLY want to be in that moment.

I’m getting off track aren’t I? lol I can do that…but that’s only because I had that beautiful lesson shine through this morning too!

Let’s just say that I am so very grateful for the opportunity I had this morning. The remembrance of what I see in others is a clear mirror for what I am holding in myself was truly priceless. I am so excited to play in the day today to practice Being in the state of Love and Divinity. I am so excited and ready to be in my own space of Divinity, because, after all, it feels sooooo much better than being in the state of fear and illusion.

I’m looking forward to seeing and expressing my own Divinity…as well as seeing and experiencing yours! Double Woot for recognizing and expressing our Divinity! And another fabulous confirmation…as I get set to post this the clock tells me that it’s 11:11.

Love, Always!

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It always amazes me how Spirit shows up in every single thing we do…in every moment…whether we are consciously aware of it or not. If we’re not aware of it, it is only because we choose not to be aware. In that moment we choose to be aware of something else…our pain, our issues…where ever the ego leads us.

This week, as I process my own pain, I am reminded (constantly!) that every moment, every point, every instance, in life’s journey is inherently preparing us for our future in ways that the ego mind cannot possibly comprehend. I know I’m getting this message because I’ve been trying to figure out (in my mind!) just why my body is doing what it is doing, and how I can make it respond a different way that suits me better. I’m laughing like crazy as I write this! If you can’t hear the irony in that sentence it is because you are doing the same thing, but not realizing it.

Listening to your “self” talk can be absolutely eye opening! We can learn so much if we would just pay attention to the words we use when talking to ourselves…and others too. First, did you catch how I was trying to do this all in my mind. The mind will never comprehend, nor will it be able to solve any (ANY) issue I am having. All of that occurs within, where the Truth lives and understands the Path. Then…did you hear me say that I wanted to make my body respond differently? In a way that suits ME better? LOL Seriously, I know better than that. By forcing something different on the situation all I am doing is frustrating myself and resisting my path. Yea, it’s painful physically sometimes, but if I were to just relax into it, it would move much faster. I know this!!! But, yes, sometimes I still get ‘stuck’ too.

If we could just relax into the moment, instead of trying so hard to make it something different, it wouldn’t hurt so much. We are raised to not believe in mystery, in Spirit. We are taught that we have to have a plan; we have to have a goal. We are raised to believe that we have to have a good job, good marriage, good kids, good whatever…in order to have a good life…down the road. Down the road! No wonder we can’t relax into anything.

We are rarely taught to trust in the Divinity of Spirit. We are rarely taught to relax into what is in life as opposed to what it will be. We are taught to focus on the future, and rarely taught to be in the present. All of the things we are taught to work so hard for…a job, marriage, kids, etc…are supposed to bring joy at the end of the line. However, Joy can only be found in one place at a time…and that place is the present.

It doesn’t matter where we are going tomorrow; it matters where we are right now. If we don’t find the joy in today, we certainly aren’t going to find it tomorrow. We will find in tomorrow exactly what we find in today. Like I said, sometimes it is hard to find the joy in the pain that we are having today.

I am participating in a workshop currently and last week we were discussing problems and how to come up with solutions to the problems. We were asked to pair up and discuss a current problem, and then come up with a solution to that problem. When my partner and I paired up we both looked at each other and said the same thing…I don’t have any problems. We both laughed at the prospect, but it was true. When it came time for us to share with the class what we came up with, we of course announced that we had no problems. I found it funny how the entire class went silent…except for one gentleman. He said “Of course! You’re perfect!” He was being sarcastic…completely sarcastic. Their responses were all basically the same “How can you not have any problems?”

I don’t have any problems because I don’t see the issues in my life as problems. I see them as life and steps that Spirit guides me through in my evolution. How can anything Spirit moves me through be a problem? I mean, honestly, almost any experience can be miserable and considered a problem if you make it that way…especially if you’re good at making yourself miserable. But…on the other side of that…almost any experience can be enjoyable if you make it that way…especially if you’re good at practicing joy!

I find that most people can’t trust what is occurring in the present because it doesn’t look like what they want it to look like. Hence…it’s painful. We are so trained to believe that life should take on a certain look and feel, that anything outside of that is resisted. We are trained to look to the future and work damn hard at getting there, that we completely push aside what is currently sitting in front of us. “Well, what if I don’t like what I am sitting in?” Well, have you tried asking Spirit why it looks the way it does? What is the ‘lesson’ in the moment? Have you tried, sincerely, looking at the moment with an open heart to discover where Spirit lives in it? I promise you, Spirit is not painful, nor does Spirit bring us anything that is painful. It is not Spirit’s motive!

Do we need to know everything that lies ahead of us in order for us to relax into it and trust? Do we need to know where we’ll be tomorrow before we start to live today? That’s just crazy? What is holding you back from living today…that wouldn’t hold you back tomorrow? And seriously, if you can’t put down your fear today what makes you think you’ll put it down tomorrow? Why are you holding onto it? Is it keeping you safe from something? Oh yeah, wait, it keeps you safe from being hurt. That’s really funny, because you know that you are already hurting. Your fear doesn’t keep you safe from hurt, it creates it for you.

This life is not about what the heck is out there tomorrow. It’s about what is inside now. When people call me for an appointment I often tell them that I am not a fortune teller, I do not tell the future…I tell the present. That confuses the crap out of a lot of people. It’s what is going on in the present that keeps us from knowing our Joy. Tomorrow isn’t going to bring you your Joy, today is. It’s not the path ahead that’s important, it’s the path WITHIN.

So, with that huge reminder in my today, I’m going to spend some time in that beautiful space of Spirit. Have a fabulous day, ya’ll!
Sending much Love!

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So I was hanging out meditating last night…just me and my Ouzo dog. : ) Tons of information started coming through…reminders really. I mean I know this, but it was a wonderful reminder. Something’s coming. I can feel it. Instead of me trying to describe what I was given, I’ll just write what I wrote as it was given to me. (My own thoughts are in italics)

Life is not a test – it is a choice! You can not fail so BRING IT! (You know how some people say that ‘we’re here to learn’…that’s what they were talking about regarding a test). What will you choose today? Will you choose Love or fear (fear as a limiting believe where we believe ourselves to be unworthy, unlovable, etc). Choose Love. Love yourself unconditionally, whole heartedly…every second of every day. Love Love Love.

Life has nothing to do with having to learn something – how to love, how to be happy, how to have patience, etc. You already ARE all of those things – you just choose not to see it.

And for those of you who are not understanding Love from within…who is teaching you love? Is it the same people who teach you judgment, anger, hate, fear, doubt, etc? If so, then what they ‘teach’ is not really love at all. Love, true Love, does not live in the same place as fear. It never has, and it never will.

You do not need to learn Love – you ARE already Love. Remembrance – remember Love, not learn love.

You choose not to see your own Love simply because you have a belief that you are somehow broken (not worthy, unlovable, separate, etc). That one belief is what keeps you from knowing Love, from knowing your True Self, from living a life of joy, abundance and health.

No one is broken! That one belief, that one idea, is a lie and it is keeping you from Love…YOUR Love.

It is your choice always. Will you live your fear or will you live your Love?

 Nuff said.

In Love,

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This weekend I had the opportunity to sit next to a woman during lunch. We were both attending a function in town and this was our lunch break. Of course the conversation turned ‘spiritual’. She was mentioning that she was in a stressful place and trying to decide whether or not to “…hand it over to Holy Spirit” (yes, she is studying A Course In Miracles). Call it what you will, Holy Spirit, God, Universe, etc…they are all the same and she calls It Holy Spirit.

Anyway…I had to laugh…simply because ‘Holy Spirit’ already has it, always has, and always will. Our choice to hand it over hasn’t a damn thing to do with whether or not ‘Holy Spirit’ takes it. The ONLY thing we are holding onto, with our dear life for that matter, is an idea. An idea of how we want our world, a specific situation, a relationship, etc, to look like. And 100% of the time, if we are struggling with that situation (which is why we would hand it over to Holy Spirit) that would clearly indicate that it is not serving us…yet we fight so hard to make it work. Meanwhile, ‘Holy Spirit’ is gently reminding us that there is another way…if only we would let go of the idea that is causing us stress! LOL

Seriously, I had to laugh. Who do we think we’re kidding anyway? Why are we so determined to make our lives (relationships included) look and feel a specific way? (and, it’s a way that nobody is having any luck with to boot.) Because, ‘that way’ is an idea that has been handed down to us through the ages. Nobody, OK, very few people, have questioned, and even fewer have decided not to follow. Talk to those who have decided not to follow the old idea and I guarantee you will find some very happy (Truly happy) people.

Take relationships for example. We (as children) are conditioned with an idea of what relationships are supposed to look like…whether it’s a friendship, romantic relationship, work relationship, etc…and we believe in the promise of what that relationship will bring us so much that we totally give up everything that we are in order to make the relationship work. And I do mean ‘work’, the way we were conditioned to think it works. Here we are, holding on desperately to a relationship with someone else that is obviously not working, while totally letting go of the most important relationship we will ever have…the one with ourselves.

What’s sad is that the relationship goes sour and we then blame ourselves. We continue to self-sacrifice, blame and belittle ourselves (and others) because no matter what we do we just can’t make it ‘work’. Well of course it won’t work! What kills me is that we are so ‘hooked’ on what the promise of that relationship brings us that we totally deny our own Self. And then we wonder why we’re sick and relationships don’t work?

You’ve heard me say it before…at least I think you have…THE MOST IMPORTANT RELATIONSHIP YOU WILL EVER HAVE IS THE ONE YOU HAVE WITH YOURSELF. Yup! Here we are, holding on desperately to a relationship with someone else that is obviously not working, while totally letting go of the most important relationship we will ever have…the one with ourselves. And, here we are totally ignoring our relationship with Self simply because we think that another person, outside of ourselves, is the one that will make life perfect for us. Well, I’m here to tell you that the one that makes life perfect for you…IS YOU. Nobody else can do that for you…EVER. Now, I’m not saying that we’re meant to be loners all of our lives, simply that we’re meant to come together for a very different reason…and one that does not look even remotely close to what we think it does.

We get so mad when our partners and friends don’t see us for who we are. Hell, when all we do is wear masks all day, trying to be what we think the other person will like, how could they possibly know us for who we are? Really. We’re too afraid that we won’t be liked, won’t be accepted, won’t be Loved…so we try to be something to ensure that we will.

We get so made when our partners don’t behave the way we want them to behave. Well of course they’re not, and it’s not fair to force them too. And besides, why should they? The only reason why we want them to is so that we can feel better about our own ideas and judgments about ourselves. Not fair at all. Because even when the other person does respond to our NEEDY request we often find something else about them that needs to be changed. How about we simply change ourselves to realize that everything we will ever need lives inside of us. We do not need another person to do or be anything else. And when we stop making them be something we want them to be, allowing them to Be what they want to be, maybe then we’ll see them for who they really are…as well as see ourselves for who we really are.

Love. It goes a long way…all the way actually. It enables us to share with others who we Truly are while others share what they Truly are, free of judgments.

Love. It bridges gaps and brings people together in ways we could have never dreamed.

Love. It’s all we need because everything lives within it. Love, Universe, God, Holy Spirit…is everything…and we are not part of it, WE ARE IT.

Love holds NO requirements. None! If you need someone to Be a certain way before you ‘love’ them or ‘be friends’ with them…than you’re not in a loving space at all. At that point, you are using them to fill your own false ideas so that you can feel better about yourself.

Love. There’s the smile. There’s the warmth. There’s the joy. There’s the bliss.


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Here I am…just spreading a little Love.

Close your eyes…take a nice deep breath and relax. That’s it…just relax and release your muscles…your abdomen…your back…your hips…very nice. Keep breathing. Nice and deep, relaxing all the time. With every out breath release your muscles even more…your back…your shoulders…your chest…your jaw.

 Doesn’t that feel good?

As you relax the muscles feel the energy flow within you. Notice how it feels…notice what it is…does it have a color…a feel…is it telling you something?

I’m sitting in the middle of a great pink energy…feeling it as it continues to flow through me…touching everything…filling everything with Love…a beautiful pink, lush, growing Love. It is for you…it’s all for you.

Let it fill you. Let it touch you. Let it remind you of who you Truly are.

Love…it’s an amazing thing. And just think…it’s exactly what we’re made of. Each and every one of us…spawned from Love. Makes me smile it does, knowing that each and every one of us come from something so spectacular, so special, so magical…so perfect.

We Are Love. Nice big deep breath. My love to you.

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So often we trap ourselves in tunnel vision…thinking that there is only one or two ways (at best) for a situation to unfold. Speaking from experience, there is definitely more than 2 ways to “skin a cat,” if you get my drift. : ) When we step into a situation (and we always do step into it…remember…it’s our choice, and if we’re in a situation it’s because we choose to be there.) we have a habit of seeing only what we’ve been taught to see, or experienced previously. Neither of those visions express the full extent of the situation. Both are very upper level or surface ideas about what is taking place.

Until we take the opportunity, the time, to look beneath or beyond the vision or idea we have, we will never fully understand the reason behind what we are looking at. And…we will never fully experience the situation/opportunity right in front of us.

Allowing for the possibility of more means simply opening up the tunnel vision. And, that’s all we have to do…just open the door. Knowing that there is more to be experienced, even if we don’t know what that more is or how it will get here, is the key. Just sit in the knowing. Just sit in the space of “My brain might not know what that more is, but my Soul sure does and when the time is right the more will be shown to me.” And from there just simply walk through the door that opens.

Our human brains don’t always go deep enough into our True Beings for understanding. They have a tendency to stay at the surface and hash through all the ‘garbage’ that’s already there…all the other old ideas and habits that perhaps worked at one time, but no longer work. Take the time to simply allow…to not get stuck in tunnel vision. And so what if you don’t see another vision at this moment…just allow that it is there even if you can’t see it. Breathe. Relax. It is there…and it will show itself when given the opportunity.

Allow for the possibility that YOU are more…that your life is more…that the situations you are in carry more. Allow for the possibility that the person standing next to you is more. And then remember that what you see in them is simply a reflection of your own beliefs, ideas and images…and move past your own judgment when they do not feel the same way about your beliefs and ideas as you do. Heck, you don’t feel the same about theirs, so why the need for them to believe in yours?

Remember that we are not our situations, our ideas, our illnesses, our issues…but that we Are Divine, unlimited, perfect, unique, amazingly spiritual Beings. We are so much more, but if we continually stand in the belief/idea of “I can’t” then we will never get to experience all that we Truly Are. Give yourself a break…open the door to your Soul and allow it to express fully through the beautiful and unique physical body that you are borrowing.

Enjoy the day. Enjoy the moment. Take the time to step into more…you won’t be disappointed.

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Are you still feeling the effects of the 3 eclipses?

Have you noticed yet the opportunities to see deeper into yourself? I mean those opportunities are always there, but the vibration the eclipses brought are really bring our junk to the surface. Are you using those opportunities to understand yourself a bit better?

Seems lately more and more people are looking at their fears. They are noticing how those fears affect their entire lives, not just a portion of their life. One fear, one belief, influences every single choice we make. It only takes one fear to take our life from fab to mediocre. The question is will we make the choice to release that fear and choose something different?

Our Soul gives us the opportunity every moment to shift that fear. We give ourselves the chance to see exactly what we are doing and how to change it several times throughout the day. Sometimes the problem is that we’ve been choosing through the fear for so long that we no longer recognize when we are receiving the signals that we’re doing it.

Pay attention to what your body is telling you. How do you feel? What is happening in front of you? Do you find yourself frustrated, angry, defensive, shut down…yet again? Do you find yourself looking at the same issues…yet again? Those right there, they are your cues. They are your signs to stop what you are doing and breathe.

When you find yourself in a state of flux…and your body will absolutely let you know…stop and ask yourself why you are choosing to respond that particular way to the situation. If you are honest with yourself you will discover that there is a very old ‘less-than’ belief about yourself deep within your mind. It is that belief that drives the reaction, the response, the choice.

By stopping and looking at it, by becoming aware of it, you have the opportunity to choose a different response, a different expression, a different choice. A different expression…one that resonates with who you Truly are, instead of one that shows only a part of your Truth and all of your fear.

Have you ever noticed that the moment you doubt yourself you step into the situation only part way? Part way indicates that you are not expressing yourself fully. Part way indicates mediocre. Mediocre indicates you are not living a full life. Mediocre means that instead of choosing to express yourself 100%, you are CHOOSING to only express through your fear.

Have you ever been doing something and you feel like you’re on cloud 9? You have no doubts about what you are doing, how you are doing it…you simply are having fun and this is blissful? That is you expressing at 100%. Now, imagine being like that every moment of your life. Imagine living that bliss…that happiness…that joy…ALL of the time.

How do you do it? By CHOOSING to express YOURSELF 100%…all of the time. If your life is feeling mediocre…whether you want to accept that it is or not…than you are CHOOSING to express your fears…instead of your True self.

Remember, nobody else can make you choose, whether you are choosing mediocre or something else. Only you can make your choices. There is nobody else that drives your choices. ONLY YOU. Take the opportunity today, right now, to move out of the fear that ‘you can’t’, ‘I’m wrong’ or any other excuse you can find…and shift into Love. Shift into Life. Shift into YOU…the True you. Personally, I think mediocre sucks and I’m not choosing it anymore.

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